Croeso i dosbarth deg!
Welcome back to the start of a new term, we hope that all pupils had a well deserved break for the Easter period.
To start the term, the pupils will be taking part in a mini ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ project where the pupils will be:
· Writing an alternative version of the fairy tale
· Learning about castles in Wales and their place in History
· Looking at seeds, plants and life cycles
· Asking ethical questions
· Presenting and comparing data
This work is part of a transition project with other schools in our cluster.
For the remainder of the term, our topic is ‘Around the World’ where we will be looking at comparing places and cultures, land use, and food in Wales and the wider world. As part of this topic, we will be focussing on the four purposes within the new curriculum, and exploring the six areas of learning and experiences including:
· Health and Wellbeing
· Languages, Literacy and Communication
· Mathematics and Numeracy
· Science and Technology
· Expressive Arts
· Humanities.
Healthy Snack
Healthy snack is available to buy each day in school. This is a cash only service and the pupils will pay for their snack on a daily basis. The cost for the healthy snack is:
½ banana – 15p
½ apple – 15p
Cucumber batons – 15p
Portion of raisins – 15p
Pupils are able to buy more than 1 item of fruit each day
PE Kit
Please make sure your child has the following PE kit fully labelled in a bag and leave your PE kit in school for the half term.
• White T—shirt
• Black or navy shorts
• Pumps or trainers
• Swimming: swimming trunks / swimming costume, towel, goggles (optional)
PE takes place on:
Thursday (gymnastics) and Friday
Digital Learning
In school we use a variety of learning platforms which can be accessed from home.
• Hwb—
• Bug club—
• RM maths—
• TT Rock stars—
• Google Classroom-
All pupils know how to access these websites. Please encourage your children to use these websites at home as well as in school.
Homework / Home reading
All pupils will be provided with a Homework task to complete each week along with a reading book and their reading record. Homework and reading books will be sent home on a Monday and need to be returned to school by Friday.