Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely Easter Break! This term our main topic for the will be ‘All on board.’ During this topic, we will be learning about different countries around the world. We will be exploring the cultures, traditions, foods, climates and landscapes of different countries as part of this topic. We will also be looking at the human body and learning about our organs and what their jobs are inside our bodies. The pupils will be at the heart of their learning as they will be sharing their ideas with their class on the things they would like to learn. The pupils’ ideas will then be used to ensure there is full coverage of the curriculum through the six areas of learning including: Health and Wellbeing, Language, Literacy and Communication, Mathematics and Numeracy, Science and Technology, Expressive Arts and Humanities.
PE Kit
Please can you make sure your child has the following PE kit:
· White T—shirt
· Black or navy shorts
· Pumps or trainers
· Swimming: swimming trunks / swimming costume, towel, goggles (optional)
Please make sure your child comes into school with a full school PE kit on the days specified below.
PE takes place on Mondays and Thursdays
Homework/ Home reading
All pupils will be provided with a Homework task to complete each week along with a reading book and their reading record. Homework and reading books will be sent home on a Monday and need to be returned to school by Thursday. Please encourage your child to read at home everyday.
Parent Seesaw QR codes have been sent out, if you require a new QR code or support to install it please speak to your child’s class teacher. Keep an eye on Seesaw for notices and to see what we get up to in school.
Digital Learning
In school we use a variety of learning platforms which can be accessed from home.
· Hwb—https://hwb.gov.wales
· Bug club—activelearnprimary.co.uk
· RM maths—https://www.rmeasimaths.com
· TT Rock stars—https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student
· Google Classroom- https://classroom.google.com
All pupils know how to access these websites. Please encourage your children to use these websites at home as well as in school.
Healthy Snack
Healthy snack is available to buy each day in school. This is a cash only service and the pupils will pay for their snack on a daily basis. The cost for the healthy snack is:
½ banana – 20p
½ apple – 20p
Cucumber batons – 20p
Portion of raisins – 20p
Pupils are able to buy more than 1 item of fruit each day.
Thank you
Mr Baines - Class teacher
Miss Hughes- Teaching assistant