Croeso i Dosbarth Tri
Welcome to Class Three
Dosbarth 3 Staff:
Miss Beard(Class Teacher)
Mrs Mapp (Class Teaching Assistant)
Happy New Year! I hope you have all enjoyed your holidays and are ready for a fantastic new term full of fun and excitement.
Our topic for the first half of this term is ‘Our Changing World’. The children will be finding out about the world around them with a particular focus on Polar Regions. For the second half of the term we will focus on toys on how these have changed over time. The children will also be learning about internet safety, St David’s day, and learning some Welsh songs in preparation for the school Eisteddfod.
PE Kit
Please can you make sure your child has the following PE kit fully labelled in a bag:
· White T—shirt
· Black or navy shorts
· Pumps or trainers
PE kits can be left in their boxes over the half term.
Homework / Home reading
All pupils will be provided with a Homework task to complete each week along with a reading book and their reading record.
Homework and reading books will be sent home on a Monday and need to be returned to school by Friday.
Please encourage your child to read at home everyday and write a comment in their reading record.
Digital Learning
In school we use a variety of learning platforms which can be accessed from home.
· Hwb—
· Bug club—
· RM maths—
· TT Rock stars—
All pupils know how to access these websites and their digital passports have been sent home in their homework books. Please encourage your children to use these websites at home as well as in school.
Healthy Snack
Healthy snack is available to buy each day in school. This is £1 per week and payments can be made via ParentPay.
We are looking forward to a successful and happy year in Class 3!
Thank you for your support,
Miss Beard