Croeso I dosbarth un deg un!
Welcome back!
It is lovely to welcome all of the pupils into Years 5 and 6 for this academic year. This term, we are starting our new topic ‘Conflicts’ where the pupils will be learning about conflicts in the past, both in Wales and the wider world, including World War 2. The pupils will be at the heart of their learning as they will be sharing their ideas with their class on the things they would like to learn. The pupils’ ideas will then be used to ensure there is full coverage of the curriculum through the six areas of learning including: Health and Wellbeing, Language, Literacy and Communication, Mathematics and Numeracy, Science and Technology, Expressive Arts and Humanities. Within our topic we will be focusing on different big questions.
Our first big question this term is: World War 2. What Happened?
Please can you make sure your child has the following PE kit fully labelled in a bag:
• White T—shirt
• Black or navy shorts
• Pumps or trainers
PE takes place on: Monday and Tuesday (swimming - please bring your swimming kit to school).
Homework / Home reading Home reading
All pupils have been sent home with a reading book and reading record. Please read with your child every day and make sure these have been returned to school. Home work and new reading books will be sent home on a Monday and returned to school on a Thursday. Remember if you want to win a prize on a Friday you need to be in it to win it!
Healthy Snack
All pupils in Key Stage 2 can now purchase healthy snack in school which will cost £1 per week to be paid a week in advance through parent pay. The pupils will be provided with a variety of different healthy snacks throughout the week. All pupils in Key Stage 2 have been provided with their pupil reference number and information on how to pay online.