Welcome to Class 5
Croeso i ddosbarth 5
Mrs Minson is the class teacher.
Miss Barbara is the teaching assistant.
Class 5 P.E. days are Tuesday and Friday.
Outdoor Classroom day is Friday.
If you have any questions, please come and speak to us.
This term our topic is 'Castles, tunnels and towers'.
Further Information
Homework and Reading
Children are set homework on a Monday through Seesaw. The homework will be sent as an announcement and pupils can complete with pictures, videos or notes. Children are asked to read as often as possible at home using the online reading platform 'Bug Club'. Children have a unique username and password to access Bug Club at home and reading can be monitored by the class teacher.
Class 5 have P.E on Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure your child has the following kit, fully labelled in a bag on their PE day, or left in school:
· White T-shirt
· Black or navy shorts
· Pumps or trainers
Children receive a healthy snack and drink of milk every day in class. The cost is £1 a week and is now payable online at www.wrexham.gov.uk under 'Make a payment'. Children have their own reference number for payment. This is sent out at the start of the academic year.
The School Day