Welcome to Hafod y Wern Community Primary School.
Welcome to Hafod y Wern Community Primary School website.
We hope you find all the information you need about our school on this website. If not, please contact the school for further details.
Hafod Y Wern Community Primary School was formed in 2007 when the Infant and Junior Schools amalgamated. We moved into a purpose built Primary School building in January 2017.
As a Primary School we offer full time education for pupils aged 4-11 and part time Nursery provision for children aged 3- 4. We have a cohort admission limit of 45 children. This dictates that the school is set up working in mixed age classes. We have an Early years class with mixed Nursery and Reception, three year 1 & 2 classes, three year 3 & 4 classes and three year 5/6 classes.
There is a smooth transition for pupils in the Foundation Phase as they move into KS2. We aim to integrate the pupils as one school and ensure that they have whole school assemblies together throughout the week. Pupils from years 5 and 6 often work with pupils from Foundation Phase as buddies or learning mentors.
We are very proud of the opportunities that we are able to offer through up-to-date technology, learning and teaching styles and outdoor education. Pupil well-being is key to the success of our school. The last Estyn Inspection in May 2015 stated that,
‘The school provides excellent provision for health, care and wellbeing. Staff work together very efficiently to promote a positive, inclusive and caring environment, which permeates throughout the school. Learning experiences are effective in developing pupils’ personal, moral, social and cultural development through fostering values such as respect and fairness.
Specific planning to support vulnerable pupils has resulted in significant improvements in behaviour, attendance, confidence and achievement and is an outstanding feature.’
The full inspection report is available on the ESTYN website and under 'key information' on our school website.
I am extremely proud to lead a team that is committed to achieving high standards and providing the very best opportunities for the children in our care. Staff, supported by governors, work hard to deliver a rich and challenging curriculum; to prepare children for future education; and to help them acquire the skills and enthusiasm needed to pursue learning for the rest of their lives.