The School Day
The school day begins at 8.55 am. All children need to arrive at least five minutes before this time. Children may come into class from 8.50 am in Foundation Phase and 8.40 am in KS2. We do hold a free Breakfast Club and doors open at 8.00 am. Please do not be on site before this time as no supervision is available.
The Daily Timetable for Foundation Phase is as follows:
8.50 am Doors open
10.30-10.45 am Morning Break
12.00—12.45 pm Lunch
3.00 pm End of school day
The Daily Timetable for KS2 is as follows:
8.40 am Doors open
10.30—10.45 am Morning Break
12.15—1.00 pm Lunch
3.05 pm End of school day
Breakfast Club
The school has a successful Breakfast Club. The Club offers a healthy breakfast with a choice of cereals, fruit, toast and fruit juice. The doors open for Breakfast Club at 8.00am and the pupils go into class at 8.45am. Parents can register their children at the dining room between 8.00am and 8.45am. It is advisable for younger pupils to attend with a brother or sister.