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Croeso i hafan Hafod y Wern!

Class 5

Croeso i Ddosbarth Pump

Welcome to Class Five


Dosbarth 5 Staff:

Mrs Foxley (Class Teacher)

Mrs Davies (Teaching Assistant) 


Croeso and welcome back to the start of a new term. 


Our topic for this term is ‘Our Wonderful World’. The children will be learning all about events from the past that have shaped our world. They will find out about the work of Mary Anning and hunt for dinosaur fossils. They will learn what an explorer is and take on the role of an explorer to answer questions from others. They will also learn about plants and growth and discover the best conditions for plant growth. In Jigsaw work this term, the children will be focusing on the themes ‘Dreams and Goals’ and ‘Changing Me’.


PE Kit

Please can you make sure your child wears their PE kit every Wednesday:

· Plain white T—shirt

· Black or navy shorts/tracksuit bottoms

· Pumps or trainers

PE kits can be left in their boxes over the half term.


Outdoor Learning

Our outdoor classroom day is a Tuesday so please ensure children come to school in weather appropriate clothing. 


Homework / Home reading

All pupils will be provided with a homework task to complete each week along with a reading book and their reading record. 


Homework and reading books will be sent home on a Monday and need to be returned to school by Thursday.


Please encourage your child to read at home everyday and write a comment in their reading record.


Digital Learning

In school we use a variety of learning platforms which can be accessed from home.

· Hwb—

· Bug club—

· RM maths—

· TT Rock stars—

All pupils know how to access these websites and their digital passports have been sent home in their homework books. Please encourage your children to use these websites at home as well as in school.


Healthy Snack

Healthy snack is available to buy each day in school. This is £1 per week or £5 for the half term. This now needs to be paid in cash. 


We are looking forward to a successful and happy Spring term in Class 5! 


Thank you for your support, 


Mrs Foxley

Time Machine Extreme - Class Assembly about Explorers

Still image for this video

Outdoor Learning Photo Slideshow - Class Assembly

Still image for this video

Dydd Santes Dwynwen

Principality Savings Workshop - Learning all about money!

Maths Fun!
