After School Clubs
We offer a wide range of extra curriculum activities, which are run after school. Club days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. Clubs generally end at 4.00 pm. Some of these activities are organised by members of staff, others are run by outside groups. A small charge is payable to cover expenses such as equipment and materials.
After expressing an interest in a club, your child will receive a letter for you giving details and asking you to return a reply slip giving your permission to attend. You will also be asked about your arrangements for collecting your child after the club.
If your child is involved in a club and last minute changes due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances are made we will try to contact you, however, it is not always possible. Therefore we hope you will understand the difficulties we sometimes have to face. If your child cannot come home unaccompanied please indicate on the reply slip and we will then tell the child where to wait until you arrive.
Below is a sample list of clubs that are available to children in KS2 after school (some clubs are also available for year 2 pupils).
Details for clubs are sent out at the start of each term.